Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Breast Cancer

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, I thought I'd mention that I intend to be one of the survivors.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in mid-August. The lump was found during a mammogram - I can't stress the importance of that test! Because it was in both breasts, I had a bilateral mastectomy with sentinel node biopsies on September 19th, and tomorrow is my first visit with the oncologist. The good news is that the cancer had not reached my lymph nodes, and the margins were clear. For more information, the best site I have found is http://www.breastcancer.org/

The irony of breast cancer is that you do not feel bad until you begin treatment. I felt great and healthy. And other than sore and tired as I recover from surgery (to be expected), I still feel good.

The surgeon did not recommend genetic testing for first degree relatives, because there is no breast cancer history in my family. According to her, the BRAC gene is found only found in about 10% of the women tested. And most women with breast cancer have no family history of the disease.

These days, it seems that everyone knows someone with breast cancer. Although the cause is unknown, many of us want to know how to reduce our risk. To that end, I am including this web page link: http://www.breastcancer.org/risk


djhauk said...

Beautifully written, my writer sister. It's t minus 6 hours till we take off for vegas. Take care and update pleaseeee, so I can keep in touch while out of town. your fav...lol love DEE

Anonymous said...

Connie , you are a brave , tough lady. I admire you and you inspire me. My loving thoughts and prayers are with you. I love you very much. Mom